My paper "Investigating conceptual blending of a diffusion model for improving nonword-to-image generation" got nominated as a Best Paper Candidate at ACM Multimedia 2024.
My paper "Investigating conceptual blending of a diffusion model for improving nonword-to-image generation" got accepted for ACM Multimedia 2024.
I moved to the Sound Design & Vision Interface Group at Hiroshima City University as an Assistant Professor.
My paper "Interpolating the Text-to-Image Correspondence Based on Phonetic and Phonological Similarities for Nonword-to-Image Generation" got accepted at the journal IEEE Access.
My paper "Image-Collection Summarization using Scene-Graph Generation with External Knowledge" got accepted at the journal IEEE Access.
Our workshop "3rd International Workshop on Multimodal Human Understanding for the Web and Social Media (MUWS)" got accepted for co-location at the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2024.
My paper "An Approach to Generate a Caption for an Image Collection using Scene Graph Generation" got accepted at the journal IEEE Access.
My paper "Nonword-to-Image Generation Considering Perceptual Association of Phonetically Similar Words" got accepted for presentation at the ACM Multimedia 2023 Workshop on Multimedia Content Generation and Evaluation (McGE).
We received a MIRU 2023 Interactive Session Award (Poster Award) for "類音語の連想性を考慮した未知語の発音に対する画像生成" (Japanese-only).
Our workshop "2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Human Understanding for the Web and Social Media (MUWS)" got accepted for co-location at the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2023.
My paper "Computational Measurement of Perceived Pointiness from Pronunciation" got accepted for publication in the Springer journal Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP).
[Call for papers] Our ACM MM 2023 workshop on "User-Centric Narrative Summarization of Long Videos (NarSUM)" is looking forward to your submissions!
An arXiv preprint for my in-progress work on "IPA-CLIP: Integrating Phonetic Priors into Vision and Language Pretraining" has been made available.
[Call for papers] Our ICME 2023 Special Session on "Quality Enhancement and Assessment for Low-quality Multimedia Data Understanding" got accepted. We are looking forward to your submissions!
My paper "Towards captioning an image collection from a combined scene graph representation approach" got accepted for the 29th Intl. Conf. on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM2023).
My paper "Detection of birds in a 3D environment referring to audio-visual information" got accepted for the 18th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS2022).
My paper "Action Semantic Alignment for Image Captioning" got accepted for IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR) 2022.
I joined the Computer Vision Laboratory at Kyoto University as an Assistant Professor.
Our workshop "1st International Workshop on Multimodal Understanding for the Web and Social Media (MUWS)" got accepted for co-location at The WebConf (ACM WWW) 2022.
My paper "Imageability- and length-controllable image captioning" got accepted at the journal IEEE Access.
My papers "On Identifying Pareidolia Phenomenon by Emulating Patient Behavior" and "Personalized Fashion Recommendation using Pairwise Attention" got accepted for MultiMedia Modelling (MMM) 2022.
My short paper "Pose-aware Outfit Transfer between Unpaired in-the-wild Fashion Images" got accepted for ACM MMAsia 2021.
I have added comment boxes below each publication and research project. You are invited to put comments, ideas, and question about my research.
My paper "A multi-modal dataset for analyzing the imageability of concepts across modalities" got accepted for IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR) 2021.
My extended abstract "Pointedness of an image: Measuring how pointy an image is perceived" got accepted for HCI International (HCII) 2021.
My paper "Tell as You Imagine: Sentence Imageability-aware Image Captioning" got accepted for MultiMedia Modelling (MMM) 2021.
My paper "FashionGraph: Understanding Fashion Data Using Scene Graph Generation" got accepted for 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2020.
I joined Shin'ichi Satoh Laboratory at NII, Japan as a postdoctoral researcher.
I successfully finished my Ph.D. at Nagoya University, Japan.
My paper "Imageability estimation using visual and language features" got accepted for a short paper and poster presentation at ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2020.
My paper on "Estimating the imageability of words by mining visual characteristics from crawled image data" got published in the journal MTAP, Springer.